And I...
Never thought I'd feel this way
And as far as I'm concerned
I'm glad I got the chance to say
That I do believe I love you
And if I should ever go away
Well then close your eyes
and try to feel the way we do today
And than if you can remember
Keep smilin'
Keep shinin'
Knowin' you can always count on me for sure
that's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
Well you came in lovin' me
And now there's so much more I see
And so by the way I thank you....
Ohhh and then
For the times when we're apart
Well just close your eyes and know
These words are coming from my heart
And then if you can remember...
That's what friends are for
~ That's what friends are for, Stevie Wonder ~
Dulu kalo lagi suntuk, obatnya nelpon orang rumah. Sekarang mah... lagi menghindar nelpon rumah, ihihihihi, abisnya diceramahin jodoh mulu . Endless topic tampaknya. Tapi curiganya, ntar kalo dah nikah, diceramahin kapan punya anak, kalo dah punya anak... diceramahin kapan menikahkan anak, kalo anaknya dah nikah, kayanya akan ada pertanyaan... kapan punya cucu.... heuheuheu.... lanjut terus.
So, for the last gloomy week... I suddenly miss my husband-to-be... kekekekek, asli lebay. Sometimes, I feel my self weird because of that... I mean... is that normal? Missing an imaginary person? [my heart says: that's weird... ]. Normally, when I miss someone, I pray for him/her, a looooooong pray. And that's what I did recently, mostly becoming my daily habit, asking God... "is he, whoever he is, is he doing fine? Is he okay? Is his bussines -whatever it is- running well?" Not to mention that I also ask God to take care of him, "if he is sad, please take away his sadness, please brighten up his days. If he is busy, please help him handle it. If he is not feeling well, please cure him. Please guard him to be always on the right path of Yours". I know it's weird, but I am doing it everyday, weheheheh ... it's kind of expressing my longing, and it does makes me feel better afterwards.
Kadang kalo lagi bengong abis sholat, udah berdo'a, udah tidur-tiduran... terus masih bengong juga... biasanya Rachma suka iseng ngedo'ain salah satu orang yang Rachma kenal... heheheheh. Habit yang random, could be anybody, dan itu awalnya emang iseng ngisi waktu sih. Kadang alasannya mungkin... ummm, if I'm in the person's position... it really doesn't feel good to face a problem alone, so if there's something I can do, I'd love to. And as moslem, we know... a pray can turn to be a great help. Jadi kata awal berdo'anya gini: " Ya Allah, boleh gak ya Rachma ngedo'ain (*nama*)...? Jadi ya dari yang Rachma tau dia itu... bla bla bla...." panjang lah do'anya, eh curhatnya maksudnya . Tapi tentu sajah, biar do'anya makin maqbul, yang dido'ainnya gak boleh tau duoooong... kalo dia kadang Rachma do'ain...hihihihi. Oh, yang lebih iseng lagi... Rachma do'akan semua orang bahagia ... yang mana menurut hemat pikiran orang dewasa, yang ini teh asa gak logis sebenernya. Heuheuh... asa gaya, udah 24 mah udah boleh bilang "menurut hemat pikiran orang dewasa".... kekekek ... .
Ada quote lucu, dari Hannah saat usianya masih 8 tahun: "If you're feeling blue, try painting yourself a different color".
And I choose pink, pul op leup... ...
i love blue...
i love red...
i love grey...
how do they paint me?? what kind of person those colors make??
kalo pink..., hmm... bahkan kalo pun perempuan yg pake pink, agak aneh buat saya. pink cuma buat anak-anak. hehe.
Wah, padahal pink kan lucu... coba geura yah, kombinasi kemeja pink, dasi merah, suit warna abu, and maybe a blue car... those colors will paint you good, heheheheh
good combination there...
tambah white shoes dan kulit item (ato sawo kematengan)?
makin kumplit deh :p
I think it's better to wear black shoes, not white ;p
jadi nano nano gitu...
busana yang aneh... :))
Hehehe... becanda atuh, Rachma juga gak tega liatnya kalo cowok pake pink (takut saingan pa-pinky-pinky :D )
Tapi kalo iya Ganda sempet pake baju pink, prestasi! Sangat perlu diabadikan :))
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