Wednesday, 25 February 2009


The tendency to idealize someone, known as pink lense effect, can magnify a person's characters up to our imagination about the ideal one. It only needs a small igniter that will grow up people's imagination, and pink lense effect will do the rest. That's why, people often say that first impression is really important. That's because the first igniter will propagate or make up another good things, which sometimes it's probably not true, end up creating an ideal personality. One way or another, we will take responsibility of anything we do, anything we set, along with anything we don't do and anything we don't mean to, including this pink lense effect.

I often wonder why a man, a random one, is so boosted up to chase some women in the same time, gambling with whom he will end up. Is that natural character? I mean ... is that really the universe's rule? On the other side, I also wonder ... could it be that a woman, a random one, might accidentally spread the pink lense effect? Or more specific, do I also unconciously create pink lense effect to people? Because if that's true, then I am really in a big trouble, need to think how I should responsible of that case. Or is it also one of the universe's rule? In the meaning that it's not my fault if somebody is affected by the pink lense effect... so I can just treat those phenomena lightly? Is that really okay to be that carefree?

One day, one of my friend said that the important thing is ... when someone is in the process to get to know each other with his/her future mate, the process is in a good and nice term. Sure I agreed with that premise, but then I wonder... isn't it called bad process when a person has bad term with another people, and only care about the good term with his/her mate. Don't you think so? And still... this universe is not a place to apply ideal thoughts. Only a few people determine to do that. Only a few.

Just once in a while, random thoughts are coming to my peaceful mind. To just wonder... can I really get married with just anybody with the determination to learn to love him right? Still I can't imagine that, still I can't do that. I still believe, a man is a human who is supposed to be respected and honored honestly, to the point that when I acknowledge him,,, when I say the "yes" word, I do it with all my heart. It's not that I want to get married, but ... I want to marry somebody. And the man cannot be a random one. Cannot. And yes, I understand... every couple has their own timeline, the perfectly designed one.

Yes, honesty demands a lof of sacrifice
Only a few people dare to live in it
Are we part of those people?

Monday, 16 February 2009

Flash back

There is moment,
When I am enforced to think, have I ever really known somebody?
To remind, what have we done actually?
To rationalize and rewind all the memories, how could it turn no trace?
So many things I want to know, but no further questions asked
So many things I want to judge, but end up speechless
I want to scream out loudly, but end up in silence
I feel so deeply sad, but no tears come down
I want to cry for sure, but end up laughing
So unbelievably shocking, but end up being calm
The world seems to be upside down
The time seems to suddenly stop
My heart is enforced frozen
Suddenly feel scared
Have I ever really known the world?
Though I feel so light, so enchanted light

Wake up, girl.
Time to grow up.
More smiles, more happiness.

Otagai ganbarimashou ;)
... Preparing the most perfect hi to welcome the future 24 years old me.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Save our soul

Berbahagialah orang yang damai hatinya. Senantiasa ikhlas dan bersyukur, baik di saat gembira dan sedih, di saat lapang dan sempit, maupun di saat sehat dan sakit. Senyum ramahnya adalah hiasan yang mungkin nanti terang benderang, sebagai saksi suatu kebahagiaan. Air mata yang mengalir di pipinya adalah saksi bisu, yang mungkin nanti akan bersaksi dengan lantang di pengadilan Illahi, saksi abadi sebuah keikhlasan menerima takdir-Nya.

Ketenangan jiwa itu mahal harganya. Untuk sekedar memahami, bahwa jiwa ini tidaklah pernah sendiri, bahwa pertolongan Allah itu dekat adanya, bahwa kasih sayang Allah itu nyata adanya.

Ya Allah, yakinkan jiwa hamba-Mu ini untuk senantiasa berhusnudhan kepada-Mu, senantiasa berbahagia, bersyukur, ikhlas dan sabar menjalani suratan takdir-Mu.


Thursday, 12 February 2009

Heb jij gegeten?

Evaluasi jilid 2: Koken in de keuken

Again, mengevaluasi resolusi milad tahun lalu. Masak Neng... masak.


Daging sapi [samping] Daging sapi [atas]

dagingtomat nasidagingtomat

Ikan [atas] ikan kuning


Dah ah, kebanyakan foto mah lieur... [males nge-upload sebenernya, males nge-klik razz]. Biasanya kalo mood Rachma nulis resepnya biar gak lupa, soalnya kebanyakan itu hasil modifikasi [misal karena gak ada satu bumbu apa gitu]. Oya, disclaimer, itu yang masak kompor ama oven, Rachma cuman nyampur-nyampur aja, jadi kalo ada rasa-rasa aneh, ya salahin aja kompornya, heheheh razz. Terus yang pas nyobain bikin molen kartika sari, alhasil akhir-akhir ini sama temen dicap tukang molen rolleyes... hhh... apa gak ada sebutan yang lebih gaya gitu yak.... eheuheuheu, udah gitu teh Rachma malah jadi kurang semangat makan molen, keseringan bikin kayaknya, malah jadi eneg confused. Dan kalo ditanya temen bumbu suatu masakan, biasanya Rachma komennya: hmm... enak ya makanannyaaaa... nanana,,, itu masaknya pake cinta,,, hehehehe razz. Yang Rachma perhatiin juga, kalo abis masak porsi banyak tuh biasanya malah jadi gak lapar... sama wanginya aja jadi udah kenyang gitu. Jadi kesimpulannya... kalo pengen makan banyak, jangan jadi kokinya mrgreen.

Apdetan di lab... kalo dulu mah kan masih bebas-bebas aja main-main di lab walo ampe jam 12 malem juga [gak gitu takut, soalnya riset lebih horor razz]. Sekarang mah kayanya kalo sendirian, maksimal cuman ampe jam 8, soalnya sekitar jam 8.15 tuh securitynya suka ngecek lab, kalo ketahuan masih kerja suka dimarahin : "kamu nakal ya jam segini masih kerja, sana pulang", heheheheh. Alasan gak boleh kerja malem: melanggar aturan keselamatan kerja.

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