Vandaag, heb ik een toets van mijn les gedaan... het was heel moeilijk....
en helaas is er probleem bij mijn onderzoek.... ... het is niet goed ...
... kan iemand mij helpen?
Ik moet vakantie hebben.... ... heel nodig... vakantie... vakantie....
... meestal ben ik blij, tenminste wil ik te graag...
maar nu wil ik huilen...
Ik ga slapen, ik ben moe...
zzz... zzz... zzz
Lekker slapen... ... met mooie droom...
en misschien kan ook lekker eten helpen .
Thursday, 30 October 2008
... pauze ...
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Monday, 27 October 2008
Vorige week ben ik naar Delft en Den Haag geweest, met mijn vrienden. In Delft, was er mooi ceramics Delftje blauw. Naturlijk goed als souvenir. Daar is ook souvenir goedkoper dan Groningen. Ik kocht een paar ceramics bestaat uit twee kopjes en een schaal. Ook betaalde ik tien paar kleine klompjes en drie klompens, en een mooi kleine tas, alles zijn Delftje blauw. Ik had ook een windmolen als kadotje.
Zaterdag avond, gingen we met de tram naar onze vriend in Den Haag. We sliepen in haar huis en op Zondag om rond tien uur gingen we naar andere plaat in Rijswijk voor een vergadering. Wij verdelen de vergadering uit vier evenementen: schoonheid beoordeeld in termen van Islam, schoonheid beoordeeld in termen van beauty-consultant, evenement voor kleine kinderen (zingen liedjes, tekenen masker "ondel-ondel"), en een bazaar (jurk, sluier, voedsel). De vergadering begon ongeveer om half elf uur en eindigde om zes uur 's avonds. Rond zeven uur, gingen we naar Den Haag central met de auto, dan met de trein naar Groningen. Ik kwam aan mijn huis rond 11 uur, met mijn fiets. De nacht was heel donker en koud. Maar hou ik van de licht van de lampen op de straat, het was mooi.
Ahahahaha, nulis pake bahasa Belanda 2 paragraf ajeh mikirnya lamaaaa

Hihihihi.... gak banget deh, asli

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Labels: Day by day
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Taken for granted
Everybody has their own pride. Everyone needs to be acknowledged. Every person on earth wants to be honored, even for a very simple thing. Of course, there are people out there smartly covering their soul when they realize that they are taken for granted by certain people in certain circumstances... but still, each human being will be much happier if they are respected for who they are. Cause in fact, every baby was born precious. Although sometimes, as two persons become somewhat closer, certain people tend to forget this respect-related things. As time goes by, certain people tend to take the other one for granted, and start losing their honors and respects. This case leads to the presence of void in one's life, makes the other person feeling exhausted.
It is clearly stated, one should stand on his/her own feet. It is not wise to think or to hope that the void will be filled by the presence of significant other. Even if the void was caused by except-me things, in the end the one who should take responsibility of anything happens to our life is ourselves, not anybody else.
I don't want to take you -whoever you are- for granted. I believe everyone is special, precious, important, for who they are. I am sure, everyone is able to shine very brightly. Even if only there was no body able to notice his/her brightness, it was probably just because of some people's fault for being "blind". I don't want to be "blind" people. I don't want to live in doubts. I do want to "see" and respect every single thing coming to my life. I want to treasure every moment, learn it right, expand it right, and apply it right to live the most proper life.
I respect you -whoever you are- as I respect my self. I trust you, your words, your promises as I trust myself, my mind, my heart, my intuition. I value your life, your freedom, your happiness as I value mine. I honor your presence in my life as the most beautiful moment. I don't want to take you for granted. Anytime, anywhere, you are always special, you are an important person for who you are. I respect you, I honor you just the way you are.
It is clearly stated, one should stand on his/her own feet. It is not wise to think or to hope that the void will be filled by the presence of significant other. Even if the void was caused by except-me things, in the end the one who should take responsibility of anything happens to our life is ourselves, not anybody else.
I don't want to take you -whoever you are- for granted. I believe everyone is special, precious, important, for who they are. I am sure, everyone is able to shine very brightly. Even if only there was no body able to notice his/her brightness, it was probably just because of some people's fault for being "blind". I don't want to be "blind" people. I don't want to live in doubts. I do want to "see" and respect every single thing coming to my life. I want to treasure every moment, learn it right, expand it right, and apply it right to live the most proper life.
I respect you -whoever you are- as I respect my self. I trust you, your words, your promises as I trust myself, my mind, my heart, my intuition. I value your life, your freedom, your happiness as I value mine. I honor your presence in my life as the most beautiful moment. I don't want to take you for granted. Anytime, anywhere, you are always special, you are an important person for who you are. I respect you, I honor you just the way you are.
Camaraderie, for a friend
I hate having nightmare
Daijoubu desu ka?
I hate having nightmare
Daijoubu desu ka?
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